Jumat, 30 Desember 2016

The task of making drama

The task of making drama

One day a young man from the village went to high school science sharia, he is setiawan, it's very simple young man, he has many friends. Hobbies her collection of ornamental fish and martial arts. he met a woman named Ana, her friend on campus

Setiawan: "As-Salamu Alaykum ana,
Ana: "Waalaikumsalam wan"
Setiawan: "what's up ...?"
Ana. : "Yaa necessarily good,
Setiawan: "Eitsss ,,, is not you but your mother how he was doing?, Hehehe,
Ana: "iihh, setiawan, yes good mother and my father, I was also good.
Setiawan: "ehh sorry ana, joking, oya tomorrow Monday already UAS lo, yes please our friends at let you know.
Ana: "ready for the boss.

After all comrades campus was told, there was a professor who asked for the schedule change.
Lecturer: "insyaaloh revamped schedule on Friday or Saturday",
Septa: "yes miss, I'll pass on to friends".

With a sense of responsibility towards classmates setiawan began to search for information.

Setiawan: "brother septa how the schedule changed?
Septa: "yap UAS lecturer said insyaaloh Friday or Saturday,
Setiawan: "ok, we UAS PKN Friday, after the Friday prayer,

Came on Friday, apparently UAS PKN advanced before the Friday prayer. night it was all full of wonder. via text messaging.

Ana: "how tomorrow so do not?
May: "What time tomorrow?
Kurnia: "how existing information english so Saturday?
Setiawan: "I do not know, ask septa !,
Kurnia: "I'm no numbers hpnya, IHH how to, you are the chairman, Oalah jo jo, really hard information,

Because it can reprimand from his colleague, setiawan also seek information directly from the lecturer,
Setiawan: "miss what we UAS schedule one semester?
Lecturer: "schedule remains on schedule semester of college

With the certainty of setiawan also gives information to the friends.

Setiawan: "half of the schedule remains on schedule campus,
Nur Hasanah: "baseball is yes, there is a difference,
Setiawan: "The word of our faculty,
May: "continue tomorrow how? Means not so semiannual,
Setiawan: "yes may, tomorrow Saturday we are off
May: "Bener gak?
Setiawan: "yeah right,
May: "said septa leaving tomorrow morning!
Setiawan: "yes it is leaving tomorrow lah!
May: "tomorrow morning septa semiannual B. English word wan.kabari wrote another
Setiawan: "tomorrow you leave, if so sms me yes ,!
May: "means you're not going? Where requested nomernya lecturer ,!

Tonight was more quiet, with feelings of fear, setiawan also cool down with my eyes closed .terdengar tone of voice short message from his cell phone. turned out to be a message from ana and kurnia. With the contents of the same message.
"I do not you let me know if tomorrow is not so UAS, evil!

Sunday, the day was exhausting for setiawan, because there is the recitation event risma mosque

Setiawan made chairman of the charge of the projects, all the energy, thought he was deployed to launch an activity that he forgets Until there is greater responsibility, namely UAS campus.

Lecturer: please tomorrow Monday semester students one and three in the morning to follow UAS, tell others
Setiawan: "ready to miss,
Lecturer: "tomorrow Monday UAS English language lessons after duhur, pass on to friends.

A successful evening for the village activities setiawan. with a flurry of setiawan forgot to tell friends to UAS English language lessons

Setiawan: "ana help spread the message brief tomorrow UAS four courses
Ana: "ya wan English class?
Setiawan: "yap, please help me bro,
Ana: "okay boss

The first day of UAS setiawan gone bad by leaving late,

Chairman of the campus: do not be late again tomorrow departure, at eight UAS already begun.
Setiawan: "yes sir, insyaaloh

Trials carried out with a quiet atmosphere and tense because setiawan not ready,

Kurnia: "wan wake up?
Setiawan: "hehehe not, my body was very tired, overnight overtime,

With a feeling of shame setiawan do the test.
The last lesson is a lesson in English language,

Lecturer: where else, this half of one huh?
Comrades: yes miss ....

After five minutes of all examinees begin working on the test.
Setiawan with conditions that are less healthy, setiawan was trying to do the test.

Lecturer: "setiawan finished?
Setiawan: "do not miss, really hard
Lecturer: "it was easy, it was learned right, but the number 21 onwards bit difficult, even for the half 3 has not been taught. Good luck for the 3rd semester
Setiawan: hmm.

After seeing comrades setiawan collect the test sheet,

Zul: hemm fast, answer random origin wan!
Setiawan :: hhihihi .... ok boss.
Zul: "Let's go home !!

Having felt he could not setiawan replied as best he could.

Mis sorry I can not answer correctly, (feeling sad
Lecturer: "Why? Overnight his book was not opened it? Overnight where?
Setiaawan: "hemm ... eg if I am not good value, is there a retest?
Lecturer: "diperkuliahan was no retest,
Setiawan: "so that my good grades, I am ready to be given the task miss
Lecturer: "yes you create a simple drama!
After that setiawan mebuat drama text with the title "the task of making plays," with the hope that the value of language ingrisnya according to what he expected, by telling what he experienced at that time.


Sekampung, 30 desember 2016

Ahmad muhaimin

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